Orchestration Technology Analysis

6 minute read


As applications move towards a service oriented architecture, there is a growth of independent and loosely coupled set of services with a decoupled orchestration engine that is responsible for maintain a flow of actions in order to address business needs. Examples of such orchestrations / workflow includes:

  • Asset Store Cleanup
  • Map Reduce Starter

The following analysis is to help identify which technology should be considered in order to implement this orchestration engine in order to fulfill the needs of our applications and whether we can use the same technology across multiple teams.


If you have a command line like application that seems out of place that is performing a workflow based several web services depending on theirs outputs, then it can be a candidate for this.

  • Orchestration Engine
    • has no internal business logic except for the workflow itself
    • is based on input/output of web services
    • executes a directed graphs
    • groups disjointed services together to fulfill a need

Desired Features

Sequential and Parallel Execution

  • Executes sequential tasks and/or parallel tasks


  • Provides visualization of the workflow in a GUI as a directed acyclic graph
  • Allows execution of the workflow via an API


  • Provides notification via email and/or zabbix

Dry Run

  • Allows a sanity check on the execution of the workflow
  • Provides an execution plan of the workflow

Loop with Source Array

  • Provides the ability to execute the workflow given an array of inputs


  • Workflow can take into account parameters and environment arguments to customize the execution


  • Actions executed by the workflow should via scripts
  • Workflows execution can be triggered via API

Progress Tracking

  • Provides progress during the execution of a workflow


  • Provides instrumentation during the execution of a workflow

Dispatching and Tagging

  • Is capable of dispatching specific tasks to specific workers

Open to Operationalization

  • Should provide the necessary infrastructure to be plugged into MainFrame or myUPS
  • Closely related to an API

Logging (Verbosity)

  • Provides visibility in its execution via different level of logs

Ability to Cancel

  • Provides an ability to cancel the execution of a workflow
  • Activities will need to handle the cancel order

Textual Configuration

  • Configuration of workflow should be in text such that they can be version controlled


  • Maintained and documented


  • Justifiable

First Class Candidates

The following are candidates that based on their documentations and of our knowledge of the tools seems to be able to covered the requirements enumerated. However, a more detailed PoC is needed to validate this assertion.

Apache Airflow

Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.

  • http://pythonhosted.org/airflow/index.html


Pinball is a scalable workflow manager.

  • https://github.com/pinterest/pinball


Spiff Workflow is a library implementing a framework for workflows. It is based on http://www.workflowpatterns.com and implemented in pure Python.

In addition, Spiff Workflow provides a parser and workflow emulation layer that can be used to create executable Spiff Workflow specifications from Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) documents.

  • https://github.com/knipknap/SpiffWorkflow


Luigi is a Python (2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more.

  • https://github.com/spotify/luigi


Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.

  • https://github.com/ansible/ansible


Dray allows users to separate a workflow into discrete steps each to be handled by a single container. This isolation makes efficient use of compute resources and also allows workflows to be easily changed, extended or re-composed via this loosely coupled architecture.

  • http://dray.it/


CloudSlang is a flow-based orchestration tool for managing deployed applications. It allows you to rapidly automate your DevOps and everyday IT operations use cases using ready-made workflows or create custom workflows using a YAML-based DSL.

  • http://cloudslang-docs.readthedocs.org/en/v0.9.50/index.html


ActionChain is a no-frills linear workflow, a simple chain of action invocations. On completion of a constituent action the choice between on-success and on-failure is evaluated to pick the next action. This implementation allows for passing of data between actions and finally publishes the result of each of the constituent actions. From perspective of StackStorm an ActionChain is itself an action, therefore all the operations and features of an action like definition, registration, execution from cli, usage in Rules etc. are the same.

  • https://docs.stackstorm.com/actionchain.html


Mistral is a workflow service. Most business processes consist of multiple distinct interconnected steps that need to be executed in a particular order in a distributed environment. One can describe such process as a set of tasks and task relations and upload such description to Mistral so that it takes care of state management, correct execution order, parallelism, synchronization and high availability. Mistral also provides flexible task scheduling so that we can run a process according to a specified schedule (i.e. every Sunday at 4.00pm) instead of running it immediately. We call such set of tasks and relations between them a workflow.

  • https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mistral

Other Candidates


Jenkins is an open source automation server with an unparalleled plugin ecosystem to support practically every tool as part of your delivery pipelines. Whether your goal is continuous integration, continuous delivery or something else entirely, Jenkins can help automate it.

  • https://jenkins.io/2.0/


Open source continuous delivery server specializing in advanced workflow modeling and visualization

  • https://www.go.cd/

Custom Made Solution

  • Workflow individually coded
  • Cross cutting concerns such as notifications, error reporting, loggings, scheduling, etc leverage shared and existent or custom made technologies
    • For example, although each workflow could be an individual windows services, they will all use the same error reporting service even if the error reporting is custom made



  • GOOD The technology fully fulfills the desired feature.
  • OK The desired feature is partially fulfilled. There are some identified caveats.
  • BAD The desired feature is not present and it could require a significant amount of work to provide the feature.
  • N/A It is not applicable for this solution


Feature Apache Airflow Pinball Spiff Luigi Ansible Dray CloudSlang ActionChain Mistral
Sequential and Parallel Execution GOOD         BAD
Sequential execution only
Sequential execution only
There’s no API but there’s a CLI
There’s no API but there’s a CLI
Support YAML
Need to pay for Ansible Tower
Sublime textual authoring
Sublime textual authoring
Notification GOOD                
Dry Run GOOD                
Loop with Source Array GOOD                
Template GOOD                
Extensible GOOD                
Progress Tracking GOOD                
Telemetry GOOD                
Dispatching and Tagging GOOD     OK
Focus on batch processing with each task as sizable chunk of work
Does not support distributed execution
This could affect scalability
Open to Operationalization                  
Logging (Verbosity)                  
Ability to Cancel GOOD                
Textual Configuration GOOD BAD
No DSL (domain specific language)I question how they can build a solid UI without DSL
Support GOOD   BAD
2 wiki pages
Inactive mailing list
Price GOOD                

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