Product Naming

less than 1 minute read


MSDN ( describes in detail the standards to follow in what concerns the nomenclature of namespaces, classes, structs, interfaces, assemblies, DLLs, etc. For example, namespaces, the recommended format is:

< Company >.(< Product > | < Technology >)[. < Feature >][. < Subnamespace >]

This section aims to cover what is not in MSDN.

Code Name

Code names are often used to clearly represent the product in development until an official name can be assigned. They are mainly:

  • Simple
  • Descriptive
  • Static and independent of the marketing

The marketing name of a product change for several reasons but the code name can always stay the same


Mainly, for an internal audience like in Perforce

Product Name

The product names are the final names given to a product. The marketing name is often used for the sale of the product. They are mainly:

  • Catchy & Clever
  • Descriptive but subtle
  • Victim to rebranding


Mainly, for an external audience like in a public confluence

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