Posts by Tag


Create Net Core Docker App

2 minute read

In this post, we will look at building .NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools for...



Monetization For Blog

1 minute read

This post documents the different monetization framework investigated to display ads on a blog.





Xamarin Forms Opening App Store

less than 1 minute read

In this short post, we will examine how to open the native App Store on Android and Windows towards a specific app. This is useful when you want to advertise...

Xamarin Missing Libmonodroid Error

less than 1 minute read

Today, I ran into a small issue when working on my Xamarin Forms Android application. In essence, my application would run fine in debug mode but it would co...


Porting Native To Pwa Service Workers Https

less than 1 minute read

Using service worker you can hijack connections, fabricate, and filter responses. Powerful stuff. While you would use these powers for good, a man-in-the-...


Progressive Web Apps On Ios

1 minute read

In this post, we will examine the reason why Apple might be relunctant to support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on iOS devices.


Logging And Monitoring In Microservices

2 minute read

A microservices application can be composed of dozens or hundreds of services. Not only that, a single user operation can span multiple of services. Therefor...

Ingestion And Workflow In Microservices

1 minute read

In microservices, a transaction can span multiple services. The workflow must be reliable since it cannot leave them uncompleted. Similarly, we need to contr...

Api Design In Microservices

3 minute read

In a microservices architecture, there could be a significant amount of data exchange between services in order to fulfill a request. Consequently, APIs must...

Communications In Microservices

3 minute read

Unlike a monolith architecture, a microservice architecture involves a great number of small services interacting with each other’s in order to complete a si...

Data Considerations In Microservices

2 minute read

An underlying principle of microservices is that each service is responsible for its own data. What this means is that if Service A owns Data Store A, Servic...

Defining Microservices Boundaries

3 minute read

One of the most popular definition we see of microservices these days is that a microservices does one thing and one thing well. This is probably the most da...

Introduction To Microservices

3 minute read

Microservices is a huge buzzword nowadays. Everyone wants to use microservices, everyone thinks they are using microservices. But microservices is much more ...


Delay Load Non Essential Scripts

less than 1 minute read

Everyone wants their page to be popular on social networks, but social network scripts tend to be large and can cause sluggish response for the user. Waiting...

Use Caching As Last Resort

less than 1 minute read

Caching is not synonymous with performance. Your code should already be efficient. Caching should only be used as a last resort, after you’ve made all possib...

Caching Infrequently Updated Data

less than 1 minute read

For small sets of data that are infrequently updated, consider making a method for caching them in the memory of your application server rather than constant...

Avoid Using Session State

less than 1 minute read

Where possible, you should try and avoid using session state, especially in process session state. While using one web server, performance is usually not a p...

Avoid Running Sites In Debug Mode

less than 1 minute read

This may sound simple but it is so easy to forget. Do not publish your ASP.NET application in debug mode. We can do as much optimizations in our code as we w...

Choose The Appropriate Cluster Index

less than 1 minute read

You get exactly one clustered index on a table. Ensure you have it in the right place. First choice is the most frequently accessed column, which may or may ...

Bypass The Limit Of 2 Tcp Ip Connections

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you are not limited by 2 tcp ip connections when you don’t need to The default setting for the maximum amount of connection is two per connection g... core

Create Asp Net Core Docker App

3 minute read

In this post, we will look at building ASP.NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools ...



best practices

Delay Load Non Essential Scripts

less than 1 minute read

Everyone wants their page to be popular on social networks, but social network scripts tend to be large and can cause sluggish response for the user. Waiting...

Add Https To Web Sites

less than 1 minute read

Transforming a http website to a https website requires the use of a digital certificate. These certificates are typically issued by a trusting authoring suc...

Debug Wcf Service With Message Logging

less than 1 minute read

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides the capability to log incoming and outgoing messages for offline consumption. Message logging enables you to ...

Make Use Of Outputcache

less than 1 minute read

Make use of the OutputCache annotation on MVC controllers. If the server can serve from memory, rather than going to disk or database, that’s a good win.

Use Caching As Last Resort

less than 1 minute read

Caching is not synonymous with performance. Your code should already be efficient. Caching should only be used as a last resort, after you’ve made all possib...

Caching Infrequently Updated Data

less than 1 minute read

For small sets of data that are infrequently updated, consider making a method for caching them in the memory of your application server rather than constant...

Always Perform Server Side Validation

less than 1 minute read

This isn’t exactly a performance tip but rather a security tip for when people think that they could improve performance by cutting out server-side validatio...

Avoid Using Session State

less than 1 minute read

Where possible, you should try and avoid using session state, especially in process session state. While using one web server, performance is usually not a p...

Avoid Running Sites In Debug Mode

less than 1 minute read

This may sound simple but it is so easy to forget. Do not publish your ASP.NET application in debug mode. We can do as much optimizations in our code as we w...

Choose The Appropriate Cluster Index

less than 1 minute read

You get exactly one clustered index on a table. Ensure you have it in the right place. First choice is the most frequently accessed column, which may or may ...

Do Not Blindly Generate Crud Queries

less than 1 minute read

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without the need for intervention. But, the Read queries generated are...

Use Feature Detection Over Browser User Agent

less than 1 minute read

The userAgent string is a poor indicator of whether a particular feature (or bug) is present. To compound the problem, much of the code that interprets userA...

Deployment Plan

less than 1 minute read

The following is a general guideline on the different steps involved in deploying an application. Each application will have its own deployment procedure.

Product Versioning

2 minute read

This post details the versioning strategy we are using for our products. We are talking about products and not libraries, web services or APIs.

Take advantage of .net 4.5 async constructs

less than 1 minute read

With the arrival of .NET 4.5, writing async code correctly is easier than ever. Like any tool, it should be only applied where it makes most sense – in web u...

Maximize expiration for static content

less than 1 minute read

Always set the CacheControlMaxAge attribute in web.config to a high number (a year is good). You don’t want people pulling down the same static content they ...

Know your loops

less than 1 minute read

For is the fastest way of iterating over a collection, foreach is a little slower, and LINQ queries are slowest.

Dropdownlist And Viewstate

less than 1 minute read

You may think it’s impossible to turn off ViewState on a DropDownList, even if you re-bind it on every postback. But with a tiny bit of elbow grease you can ...

Use Miniprofiler During Development

less than 1 minute read

Get MiniProfiler and configure it to always run when you hit your site (just don’t enable it for the general public). You’ll get detailed execution times and...

Review What Client Scripts You Are Using

less than 1 minute read

Out of the box, many ASP.NET projects include client script libraries which you may or may not be using. It’s always a good idea to check what you are using,...

Remove Unused Http Modules

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you’ve removed HTTP modules that aren’t being used (Windows authentication, for example), and that you’ve disabled services such as FTP and SMTP, i...

Remove Unused View Engines

less than 1 minute read

If you’re an ASP.NET MVC developer, you might not know that ASP.NET still loads the View Engines for both Razor and Web Forms by default. This can cause perf...

Throw Hardware At The Problem, Not Developers

less than 1 minute read

As developers, we often want to fix problems with code, but don’t be afraid to ‘put the compiler down’ and throw some hardware at the problem. Performance pr...

Static Collections

less than 1 minute read

If a collection is static, make sure it only contains the objects you need. If the collection is iterated over often, then the performance can be slow if you...

Use A Content Delivery Network

less than 1 minute read

Use a content delivery network (CDN) for hosting images and scripts. They may be cached and it will reduce load on your server.

Pre Fetch Components With Ajax

less than 1 minute read

Use AJAX to retrieve components asynchronously that may not be needed immediately, such as the content of a collapsed panel, content behind a tab, and so on.

Reduce The Data Sent Across The Network

less than 1 minute read

Reducing the amount of data sent across the network can improve application performance significantly. Compressing CSS and JavaScript is possible using bundl...

Turn On Http Compression

less than 1 minute read

Make sure HTTP compression is turned on for any uncompressed content. HTML in particular compresses significantly, and in this era of mobile friendliness and...

Include Height And Width Of Image

less than 1 minute read

Including height and width in tags will allow your page to render more quickly, because space can be allocated for the image before it is downloaded.

Know And Use The Css Cascade Rules

less than 1 minute read

Simple id and class selectors are useful, but using them exclusively means the markup gets messier and less reusable with unnecessary ids and classes. Using ...

Avoid Inline Javascript Tags In Html Markup

less than 1 minute read

As with external script references, an inline script requires the browser to stop parsing HTML and can also prevent parallel downloading of other resources o...

Use Polyfills And Shims Sparingly

less than 1 minute read

If you absolutely need to provide the same experience across all browsers, polyfills and shims offer code and markup that can help mimic standards-based APIs...

Focus On Stable Standards

less than 1 minute read

It’s easy to get excited every time a new and cool feature comes out but some of these may still be experimental with the specification still under developme...

Test In Multiple Browsers While Developing

less than 1 minute read

Although modern browsers are much closer to a single standard than ever before, differences still exist. An occasional multi-browser sanity checkpoint during...

Variables, Parameters And Columns Data Types

less than 1 minute read

Ensure your variables and parameters are the same data types as the columns. An implicit or explicit conversion can lead to table scans and slow performance.

Move Only The Data You Require

less than 1 minute read

SELECT * is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a good idea to only move the data you really need to move and only when you really need it, in order to avo...

Sql String Data Types Which One

1 minute read

When creating a field which will contains text, it is important to choose the right string type in order to save space and increase performance.

Only Load What’s Needed

less than 1 minute read

Implement different database queries in different contexts. In the API and on a webpage, you’ll inevitably require different entity properties, so don’t load...

Profile Your Orm Database Hits

less than 1 minute read

Always profile your ORM database hits with SQL Profiler during development. ORMs get away from you very quickly. Before you know it, you’ve run a query 2000 ...

Lazy Load Vs A Single Database Hit

less than 1 minute read

Watch out for lazy loading in ORMs. You shouldn’t lazy load any entities that could be retrieved with a single database hit.

Use Parameterized Queries Or Store Procedures

less than 1 minute read

Parameterized queries are exactly the same as stored procedures in terms of performance and memory management. Since most ORM tools can use either stored pro...

Index On Specific Columns

less than 1 minute read

Performance is enhanced when indexes are placed on columns used in WHERE, JOIN, ORDER BY, GROUP, and TOP. Always test to ensure that the index does help perf...

Avoid Inline Javascript

less than 1 minute read

Similarly to external JavaScript, inline script requires the browser to stop parsing the HTML and can also prevent the parallel downloading of other resource...

Bypass The Limit Of 2 Tcp Ip Connections

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you are not limited by 2 tcp ip connections when you don’t need to The default setting for the maximum amount of connection is two per connection g...


Monetization For Blog

1 minute read

This post documents the different monetization framework investigated to display ads on a blog.



Xamarin Missing Libmonodroid Error

less than 1 minute read

Today, I ran into a small issue when working on my Xamarin Forms Android application. In essence, my application would run fine in debug mode but it would co...


code review


What Is Container Technology

less than 1 minute read

The following articles provides a basic introduction to containers technologies. It would allow the reader to gain an understanding of what are containers an...





Do Not Blindly Generate Crud Queries

less than 1 minute read

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without the need for intervention. But, the Read queries generated are...


Poc Dns Load Balancing

1 minute read

The purpose of this proof of concept is to investigate and determine a strategy to load balance web server geographically via DNS entries. In essence, given ...


Owmm Design Workflow

less than 1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the design of the OWMM service. It focuses mainly on the design docs that will be the foundat...

Logging And Monitoring In Microservices

2 minute read

A microservices application can be composed of dozens or hundreds of services. Not only that, a single user operation can span multiple of services. Therefor...

Ingestion And Workflow In Microservices

1 minute read

In microservices, a transaction can span multiple services. The workflow must be reliable since it cannot leave them uncompleted. Similarly, we need to contr...

Api Design In Microservices

3 minute read

In a microservices architecture, there could be a significant amount of data exchange between services in order to fulfill a request. Consequently, APIs must...

Communications In Microservices

3 minute read

Unlike a monolith architecture, a microservice architecture involves a great number of small services interacting with each other’s in order to complete a si...

Data Considerations In Microservices

2 minute read

An underlying principle of microservices is that each service is responsible for its own data. What this means is that if Service A owns Data Store A, Servic...

Defining Microservices Boundaries

3 minute read

One of the most popular definition we see of microservices these days is that a microservices does one thing and one thing well. This is probably the most da...

Introduction To Microservices

3 minute read

Microservices is a huge buzzword nowadays. Everyone wants to use microservices, everyone thinks they are using microservices. But microservices is much more ...


Create Asp Net Core Docker App

3 minute read

In this post, we will look at building ASP.NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools ...

Create Net Core Docker App

2 minute read

In this post, we will look at building .NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools for...

What Is Container Technology

less than 1 minute read

The following articles provides a basic introduction to containers technologies. It would allow the reader to gain an understanding of what are containers an...


Add Missing Visio Stencils

less than 1 minute read

In this post, we will add stencils for software and database diagrams to Visio 2010 Standard.


Xamarin Missing Libmonodroid Error

less than 1 minute read

Today, I ran into a small issue when working on my Xamarin Forms Android application. In essence, my application would run fine in debug mode but it would co...


Xamarin Forms Opening App Store

less than 1 minute read

In this short post, we will examine how to open the native App Store on Android and Windows towards a specific app. This is useful when you want to advertise...




Progressive Web Apps On Ios

1 minute read

In this post, we will examine the reason why Apple might be relunctant to support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on iOS devices.





Logging And Monitoring In Microservices

2 minute read

A microservices application can be composed of dozens or hundreds of services. Not only that, a single user operation can span multiple of services. Therefor...

Ingestion And Workflow In Microservices

1 minute read

In microservices, a transaction can span multiple services. The workflow must be reliable since it cannot leave them uncompleted. Similarly, we need to contr...

Api Design In Microservices

3 minute read

In a microservices architecture, there could be a significant amount of data exchange between services in order to fulfill a request. Consequently, APIs must...

Communications In Microservices

3 minute read

Unlike a monolith architecture, a microservice architecture involves a great number of small services interacting with each other’s in order to complete a si...

Data Considerations In Microservices

2 minute read

An underlying principle of microservices is that each service is responsible for its own data. What this means is that if Service A owns Data Store A, Servic...

Defining Microservices Boundaries

3 minute read

One of the most popular definition we see of microservices these days is that a microservices does one thing and one thing well. This is probably the most da...

Introduction To Microservices

3 minute read

Microservices is a huge buzzword nowadays. Everyone wants to use microservices, everyone thinks they are using microservices. But microservices is much more ...


Porting Native To Pwa Service Workers Https

less than 1 minute read

Using service worker you can hijack connections, fabricate, and filter responses. Powerful stuff. While you would use these powers for good, a man-in-the-...


Monetization For Blog

1 minute read

This post documents the different monetization framework investigated to display ads on a blog.


Private Nuget Repository

6 minute read

In this post, we will examine our endeavor in the creation of a private NuGet repository.






Poc Dns Load Balancing

1 minute read

The purpose of this proof of concept is to investigate and determine a strategy to load balance web server geographically via DNS entries. In essence, given ...




Owmm Backend Code Development Workflow

1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the development of the OWMM service. We are assuming that the development is divided into epi...

Owmm Design Workflow

less than 1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the design of the OWMM service. It focuses mainly on the design docs that will be the foundat...



Private Nuget Repository

6 minute read

In this post, we will examine our endeavor in the creation of a private NuGet repository.


Owmm Backend Code Development Workflow

1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the development of the OWMM service. We are assuming that the development is divided into epi...


Delay Load Non Essential Scripts

less than 1 minute read

Everyone wants their page to be popular on social networks, but social network scripts tend to be large and can cause sluggish response for the user. Waiting...

Add Https To Web Sites

less than 1 minute read

Transforming a http website to a https website requires the use of a digital certificate. These certificates are typically issued by a trusting authoring suc...

Make Use Of Outputcache

less than 1 minute read

Make use of the OutputCache annotation on MVC controllers. If the server can serve from memory, rather than going to disk or database, that’s a good win.

Use Caching As Last Resort

less than 1 minute read

Caching is not synonymous with performance. Your code should already be efficient. Caching should only be used as a last resort, after you’ve made all possib...

Caching Infrequently Updated Data

less than 1 minute read

For small sets of data that are infrequently updated, consider making a method for caching them in the memory of your application server rather than constant...

Avoid Using Session State

less than 1 minute read

Where possible, you should try and avoid using session state, especially in process session state. While using one web server, performance is usually not a p...

Avoid Running Sites In Debug Mode

less than 1 minute read

This may sound simple but it is so easy to forget. Do not publish your ASP.NET application in debug mode. We can do as much optimizations in our code as we w...

Choose The Appropriate Cluster Index

less than 1 minute read

You get exactly one clustered index on a table. Ensure you have it in the right place. First choice is the most frequently accessed column, which may or may ...

Do Not Blindly Generate Crud Queries

less than 1 minute read

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without the need for intervention. But, the Read queries generated are...

Know And Use The Css Cascade Rules

less than 1 minute read

Simple id and class selectors are useful, but using them exclusively means the markup gets messier and less reusable with unnecessary ids and classes. Using ...

Avoid Inline Javascript Tags In Html Markup

less than 1 minute read

As with external script references, an inline script requires the browser to stop parsing HTML and can also prevent parallel downloading of other resources o...

Variables, Parameters And Columns Data Types

less than 1 minute read

Ensure your variables and parameters are the same data types as the columns. An implicit or explicit conversion can lead to table scans and slow performance.

Move Only The Data You Require

less than 1 minute read

SELECT * is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a good idea to only move the data you really need to move and only when you really need it, in order to avo...

Sql String Data Types Which One

1 minute read

When creating a field which will contains text, it is important to choose the right string type in order to save space and increase performance.

Only Load What’s Needed

less than 1 minute read

Implement different database queries in different contexts. In the API and on a webpage, you’ll inevitably require different entity properties, so don’t load...

Profile Your Orm Database Hits

less than 1 minute read

Always profile your ORM database hits with SQL Profiler during development. ORMs get away from you very quickly. Before you know it, you’ve run a query 2000 ...

Lazy Load Vs A Single Database Hit

less than 1 minute read

Watch out for lazy loading in ORMs. You shouldn’t lazy load any entities that could be retrieved with a single database hit.

Use Parameterized Queries Or Store Procedures

less than 1 minute read

Parameterized queries are exactly the same as stored procedures in terms of performance and memory management. Since most ORM tools can use either stored pro...

Index On Specific Columns

less than 1 minute read

Performance is enhanced when indexes are placed on columns used in WHERE, JOIN, ORDER BY, GROUP, and TOP. Always test to ensure that the index does help perf...

Avoid Inline Javascript

less than 1 minute read

Similarly to external JavaScript, inline script requires the browser to stop parsing the HTML and can also prevent the parallel downloading of other resource...

Bypass The Limit Of 2 Tcp Ip Connections

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you are not limited by 2 tcp ip connections when you don’t need to The default setting for the maximum amount of connection is two per connection g...


Project Codename Fedex

less than 1 minute read

The following represents the very high level design of the next generation file transfer system codenamed Fedex.

Private Nuget Repository

6 minute read

In this post, we will examine our endeavor in the creation of a private NuGet repository.

Poc Dns Load Balancing

1 minute read

The purpose of this proof of concept is to investigate and determine a strategy to load balance web server geographically via DNS entries. In essence, given ...




Porting Native To Pwa Service Workers Https

less than 1 minute read

Using service worker you can hijack connections, fabricate, and filter responses. Powerful stuff. While you would use these powers for good, a man-in-the-...

Progressive Web Apps On Ios

1 minute read

In this post, we will examine the reason why Apple might be relunctant to support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on iOS devices.




Always Perform Server Side Validation

less than 1 minute read

This isn’t exactly a performance tip but rather a security tip for when people think that they could improve performance by cutting out server-side validatio...






Ups Vision Meeting Notes

8 minute read

The final goal of this set of meetings is to establish a clear vision of our solutions in order to present a homogeneous image of our direction towards ourse...



Delay Load Non Essential Scripts

less than 1 minute read

Everyone wants their page to be popular on social networks, but social network scripts tend to be large and can cause sluggish response for the user. Waiting...

Add Https To Web Sites

less than 1 minute read

Transforming a http website to a https website requires the use of a digital certificate. These certificates are typically issued by a trusting authoring suc...

Debug Wcf Service With Message Logging

less than 1 minute read

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides the capability to log incoming and outgoing messages for offline consumption. Message logging enables you to ...

Make Use Of Outputcache

less than 1 minute read

Make use of the OutputCache annotation on MVC controllers. If the server can serve from memory, rather than going to disk or database, that’s a good win.

Use Caching As Last Resort

less than 1 minute read

Caching is not synonymous with performance. Your code should already be efficient. Caching should only be used as a last resort, after you’ve made all possib...

Caching Infrequently Updated Data

less than 1 minute read

For small sets of data that are infrequently updated, consider making a method for caching them in the memory of your application server rather than constant...

Always Perform Server Side Validation

less than 1 minute read

This isn’t exactly a performance tip but rather a security tip for when people think that they could improve performance by cutting out server-side validatio...

Avoid Using Session State

less than 1 minute read

Where possible, you should try and avoid using session state, especially in process session state. While using one web server, performance is usually not a p...

Avoid Running Sites In Debug Mode

less than 1 minute read

This may sound simple but it is so easy to forget. Do not publish your ASP.NET application in debug mode. We can do as much optimizations in our code as we w...

Choose The Appropriate Cluster Index

less than 1 minute read

You get exactly one clustered index on a table. Ensure you have it in the right place. First choice is the most frequently accessed column, which may or may ...

Do Not Blindly Generate Crud Queries

less than 1 minute read

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without the need for intervention. But, the Read queries generated are...

Use Feature Detection Over Browser User Agent

less than 1 minute read

The userAgent string is a poor indicator of whether a particular feature (or bug) is present. To compound the problem, much of the code that interprets userA...

Take advantage of .net 4.5 async constructs

less than 1 minute read

With the arrival of .NET 4.5, writing async code correctly is easier than ever. Like any tool, it should be only applied where it makes most sense – in web u...

Maximize expiration for static content

less than 1 minute read

Always set the CacheControlMaxAge attribute in web.config to a high number (a year is good). You don’t want people pulling down the same static content they ...

Know your loops

less than 1 minute read

For is the fastest way of iterating over a collection, foreach is a little slower, and LINQ queries are slowest.

Dropdownlist And Viewstate

less than 1 minute read

You may think it’s impossible to turn off ViewState on a DropDownList, even if you re-bind it on every postback. But with a tiny bit of elbow grease you can ...

Use Miniprofiler During Development

less than 1 minute read

Get MiniProfiler and configure it to always run when you hit your site (just don’t enable it for the general public). You’ll get detailed execution times and...

Review What Client Scripts You Are Using

less than 1 minute read

Out of the box, many ASP.NET projects include client script libraries which you may or may not be using. It’s always a good idea to check what you are using,...

Remove Unused Http Modules

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you’ve removed HTTP modules that aren’t being used (Windows authentication, for example), and that you’ve disabled services such as FTP and SMTP, i...

Remove Unused View Engines

less than 1 minute read

If you’re an ASP.NET MVC developer, you might not know that ASP.NET still loads the View Engines for both Razor and Web Forms by default. This can cause perf...

Throw Hardware At The Problem, Not Developers

less than 1 minute read

As developers, we often want to fix problems with code, but don’t be afraid to ‘put the compiler down’ and throw some hardware at the problem. Performance pr...

Static Collections

less than 1 minute read

If a collection is static, make sure it only contains the objects you need. If the collection is iterated over often, then the performance can be slow if you...

Use A Content Delivery Network

less than 1 minute read

Use a content delivery network (CDN) for hosting images and scripts. They may be cached and it will reduce load on your server.

Pre Fetch Components With Ajax

less than 1 minute read

Use AJAX to retrieve components asynchronously that may not be needed immediately, such as the content of a collapsed panel, content behind a tab, and so on.

Reduce The Data Sent Across The Network

less than 1 minute read

Reducing the amount of data sent across the network can improve application performance significantly. Compressing CSS and JavaScript is possible using bundl...

Turn On Http Compression

less than 1 minute read

Make sure HTTP compression is turned on for any uncompressed content. HTML in particular compresses significantly, and in this era of mobile friendliness and...

Include Height And Width Of Image

less than 1 minute read

Including height and width in tags will allow your page to render more quickly, because space can be allocated for the image before it is downloaded.

Know And Use The Css Cascade Rules

less than 1 minute read

Simple id and class selectors are useful, but using them exclusively means the markup gets messier and less reusable with unnecessary ids and classes. Using ...

Avoid Inline Javascript Tags In Html Markup

less than 1 minute read

As with external script references, an inline script requires the browser to stop parsing HTML and can also prevent parallel downloading of other resources o...

Use Polyfills And Shims Sparingly

less than 1 minute read

If you absolutely need to provide the same experience across all browsers, polyfills and shims offer code and markup that can help mimic standards-based APIs...

Focus On Stable Standards

less than 1 minute read

It’s easy to get excited every time a new and cool feature comes out but some of these may still be experimental with the specification still under developme...

Test In Multiple Browsers While Developing

less than 1 minute read

Although modern browsers are much closer to a single standard than ever before, differences still exist. An occasional multi-browser sanity checkpoint during...

Variables, Parameters And Columns Data Types

less than 1 minute read

Ensure your variables and parameters are the same data types as the columns. An implicit or explicit conversion can lead to table scans and slow performance.

Move Only The Data You Require

less than 1 minute read

SELECT * is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a good idea to only move the data you really need to move and only when you really need it, in order to avo...

Sql String Data Types Which One

1 minute read

When creating a field which will contains text, it is important to choose the right string type in order to save space and increase performance.

Only Load What’s Needed

less than 1 minute read

Implement different database queries in different contexts. In the API and on a webpage, you’ll inevitably require different entity properties, so don’t load...

Profile Your Orm Database Hits

less than 1 minute read

Always profile your ORM database hits with SQL Profiler during development. ORMs get away from you very quickly. Before you know it, you’ve run a query 2000 ...

Lazy Load Vs A Single Database Hit

less than 1 minute read

Watch out for lazy loading in ORMs. You shouldn’t lazy load any entities that could be retrieved with a single database hit.

Use Parameterized Queries Or Store Procedures

less than 1 minute read

Parameterized queries are exactly the same as stored procedures in terms of performance and memory management. Since most ORM tools can use either stored pro...

Index On Specific Columns

less than 1 minute read

Performance is enhanced when indexes are placed on columns used in WHERE, JOIN, ORDER BY, GROUP, and TOP. Always test to ensure that the index does help perf...

Avoid Inline Javascript

less than 1 minute read

Similarly to external JavaScript, inline script requires the browser to stop parsing the HTML and can also prevent the parallel downloading of other resource...

Bypass The Limit Of 2 Tcp Ip Connections

less than 1 minute read

Make sure you are not limited by 2 tcp ip connections when you don’t need to The default setting for the maximum amount of connection is two per connection g...



Create Asp Net Core Docker App

3 minute read

In this post, we will look at building ASP.NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools ...

Create Net Core Docker App

2 minute read

In this post, we will look at building .NET Core Docker App. We will first examine how to do this without Visual Studio and then with Visual Studio Tools for...

What Is Container Technology

less than 1 minute read

The following articles provides a basic introduction to containers technologies. It would allow the reader to gain an understanding of what are containers an...


Xamarin Forms Opening App Store

less than 1 minute read

In this short post, we will examine how to open the native App Store on Android and Windows towards a specific app. This is useful when you want to advertise...



Ups Vision Meeting Notes

8 minute read

The final goal of this set of meetings is to establish a clear vision of our solutions in order to present a homogeneous image of our direction towards ourse...

visual studio


Debug Wcf Service With Message Logging

less than 1 minute read

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides the capability to log incoming and outgoing messages for offline consumption. Message logging enables you to ...


Use Feature Detection Over Browser User Agent

less than 1 minute read

The userAgent string is a poor indicator of whether a particular feature (or bug) is present. To compound the problem, much of the code that interprets userA...

Take advantage of .net 4.5 async constructs

less than 1 minute read

With the arrival of .NET 4.5, writing async code correctly is easier than ever. Like any tool, it should be only applied where it makes most sense – in web u...

Maximize expiration for static content

less than 1 minute read

Always set the CacheControlMaxAge attribute in web.config to a high number (a year is good). You don’t want people pulling down the same static content they ...

web service


Project Codename Fedex

less than 1 minute read

The following represents the very high level design of the next generation file transfer system codenamed Fedex.


Owmm Backend Code Development Workflow

1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the development of the OWMM service. We are assuming that the development is divided into epi...

Owmm Design Workflow

less than 1 minute read

The following provides a description of the workflow use during the design of the OWMM service. It focuses mainly on the design docs that will be the foundat...


Xamarin Forms Opening App Store

less than 1 minute read

In this short post, we will examine how to open the native App Store on Android and Windows towards a specific app. This is useful when you want to advertise...

Xamarin Missing Libmonodroid Error

less than 1 minute read

Today, I ran into a small issue when working on my Xamarin Forms Android application. In essence, my application would run fine in debug mode but it would co...